“PhysioLife Therapy” Clinic
The "Physiolife Therapy" clinic was born as a need in the Albanian market to provide patients with an elite service in the field of physiotherapy by improving the lives of patients and directing them on the route to healing. The founder of the clinic, Remi Cenolli, in 2015 decided to bring the 5 year experience gained in one of the most prestigious clinics in Italy, being the first in the Albanian market to bring hydro-kinesiotherapy service as a new form of treatment that utilizes therapeutic water skills for different pathologies. This new technique managed to help many patients regain lost functions through a new concept of physiotherapy. Then the clinic expanded by bringing the latest physiotherapy techniques, manual therapy techniques, instrumental therapy and exercise therapy.
For years we have been aiming to gather the most qualified physiotherapy professionals to always provide the best care for our patients.
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